Uitnodiging ledenvergadering Holland Beker Wedstrijd Vereniging. De ledenvergadering zal dit...
The year was 2019. The location was the Willem-Alexanderbaan in Rotterdam, located in a typical...
Het bestuur van de Koninklijke- Holland Beker laat weten in 2020 geen Koninklijke- Holland...
Op zondag 14 juli om 10:00 uur is de ledenvergadering van de HollandBekerWedstrijdVereniging(HBWV)...
The 125th edition of the Aegon Koninklijke – Holland Beker has been won by the World...
The second day of the Aegon Koninklijke – Holland Beker regatta features the finals of...
As temperatures soared at the Bosbaan, spectators were able to watch some high quality rowing...
As the temperatures soar towards 30 degrees Celsius in Amsterdam this afternoon, the weather...
While this duo hasn’t raced together on their home soil yet, para-rowers Corné de Koning...
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